How Patient Communication Software plays a key role in dental practice’s success?

Thu, 02. Jan 20


Date: Thursday, 02. January 2020

Time: 12 o'clock




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There are many different types of technologies out there that can help grow your dental practice. The difficulty that arises is that trying to decide what makes the most sense for your dental practice can be confusing.


Here are three main reasons why Patient Communication Software is useful and how it can benefit your dental practice.

? Reduce No Shows
? Enhance Patient Flow
? Improve Your Patient Experience

Reduce No Shows
Did you know missed appointments cost the dental industry about $75 billion a year? Now, thinking about your own practice? Is there anything more frustrating than having your workday derailed by missed appointments?

With missed appointments, there's extensive damage to your production and profitability along with disruptions in your workflow. Encouragingly, out of all the things that might be keeping your practice from reaching its full potential, no-shows are one of the easiest to fix.

Enhance Patient Flow:
Patients aren't trying to purposefully skip their appointment. Like most of us, they lead busy lives with a lot on their plates and they need help from you by sending text reminders for dental appointments.

Text reminders not only provide the patient with a visual of their commitment but also allows patients to actively respond. Texts put the reminder right in front of them, unlike missed calls or unheard voicemails. What's more, with  Patient Relationship Management (Texting) you can reach your patients via text is high.

Improve Your Patient Experience
Using text reminders, you can also help improve your overall patient experience. First, by giving them the ability to quickly and effortlessly communicate with your office, you're delivering upon what all consumers expect today ? service providers that are easy to do business with. We know that texting is the preferred method of communication, even in healthcare.

Well, Interphase can help keep your chairs full, and enhance patient flow. If you'd like to find out more about using Patient Communication Software in your office, schedule a free demo with the Interphase team.

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Written by tomhardy.


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